Foundations of health

When we build any structure, we always ensure there is a solid foundation on which to start. When we are working on our health, many of us often skip over the foundation. We chase symptoms trying to get on top of them with different medications or supplements. We may chase trends of the newest health craze, superfood or magic pill, only to find it is not sustainable or we still don’t feel great. If we don’t have a solid foundation for our health, we can be trying many things and still not be feeling our best. 

My goal with patients is to simplify health and wellness, and create simple, sustainable habits that set you up for feeling your best. Focusing on these three key components of health will help set you up for success:

  • Move often
  • Nourish well
  • Rest deeply


These days we have access to so much information and can find things at the click of a button or tap of a screen. We see ads that are specifically targeted to us that try to convince us if we buy their product or their plans, then we will feel better. They key is to ensure we are covering all three components of our foundation, otherwise we would be like a stool missing the third leg, or just trying to balance on one. If we only exercise without getting good rest, our body will not be able to recover and end up suffering because of it. It has been said many times that you cannot outrun a bad diet. 

There are many other important aspects to feeling your best, and by no means does this list guarantee wellness. These three components are simply the foundation which make building everything else possible. Not only can these help you feel healthy, but they are often the key to feeling better when we are not well. Stay tuned for more specifics on each aspect of our foundation.